20090915-930 The Ramayana, day 1 (Group 6)

Class Summary: 293


      On September 15, we discussed the adventures of Prince Rama. The Ramayana of Valmiki is the oldest literature version, a story known from Indian folk traditions and written around 550 BCE. The Rama story is the greatest story of Indian civilization. It's popularity remains undiminished to this day.

     There are many similarities between the Indian epic, The Ramayana, and the two Greek works, The Odyssey and Medea. The similarities are within the fact that these works are epics. An epic is a long narrative poem; The Ramayana is 24,000 lines. It has cultural and national significance. The importance of The Ramayana is almost indescribable. It's influence can even be compared to the Bible, mainly because of its moral guidance and religious impact. Epics contain similes, epithets, and repetition. These are quite prevalent in The Ramayana. For instance, one example of a simile is found on page 737 saying "with eyes like the petals of a lotus" and another on page 741 saying "it dazzled like a huge gem stone". Perhaps the most crucial aspect of an epic is that it is centered around the life of a hero.

     Rama displays a hero throughout the whole epic. He has the virtue as well as power and influence. Even when the throne is unjustly taken from him, he controls himself in an attempt to please and obey his parents. He actively tries to uphold dharma. Many passages contain Rama faithfully professing his allegiance to the truth in dharma. He notes that the haughty pursuit of wealth is not one of respect and honor. Rama's power and influence are undeniable. He is a god and royalty. There are not many icons of greater influence than religious centers and royals. He has respect from all his people. 




pg. 731

"The universe rests on truth: and I am devoted to truth . . . Abandon your resolve based on the principle of might, resort to dharma . . . Dharma, prosperity, and pleasure are the pursuit of mankind here . . .One should turn away from that action or mode of life which does not ensure the attainment of all the three goals of life, particularly of dharma; for hate springs from wealth and the pursuit of pleasure is not praiseworthy."

     -This passage centers around the theme of dharma. It also gives the audience a glimpse of Rama's persistance to uphold dharama by the word choice of "devoted". It also gives insight to what humans yearn for in life outside of truth- prosperity and pleasure. However, Rama insists that the latter two are not respected. Rama's intelligence in understanding the human desire is also very insightful.


pg. 732

"To a woman her husband is verily god himself."

     Like the other two works we read, women have very little power. As seen through the character of Sita, women cling to their husband as if there were no life outside of him. She insists on following him to the forest, which is not a desired location for anyone, particulary a woman. Not only does a woman have little influence, but her husband is seen as all-knowing and basically perfect.


pg. 735

"I cannot live having disregarded the command of my parents. Indeed, I wonder how one could adore the unmannifest god, if one were unwilling to obey the commands of his parents and his guru whom he can see here. No religious activity nor even moral excellence can equal service of one's parents in bestowing supreme felicity on one . . . Hence I shall do as commanded by my father; and this is the eternal dharma."

     Rama's great character is seen through this passage. Even though he is an independent adult, as a culture, the influence of parents were still highly regarded. Rama goes to the length of giving up the throne in an attempt to please his. He speaks as though it would be sacreligious to disobey them by saying he could not worship his god if he was disobedient to his parents. It is even the "eternal dharma".




Frame Story - edges of a story that is really the reason that the inner story pieces together.  A story within a story. Other examples besides The Ramayana being Withering Heights, Canterberry Tales, and even the Princess Bride.

Dharma - the underlying principle of social and moral cohesion. The goal of Ramayana is to teach this. The underlying principle of the follwoing:

Moksa - the liberation from reincarnation/rebirth.

Dharma - related to righteous and religious duties.

Artha - worldly wealth, prosperity and political power.

Kama - pursuit pleasure and love.