Norris and Dreiser Writing Assignment

Writing Assignment #3

Due: Friday, 6 February 2009


Write 300-400 words that explore the depiction of "the city" within the excerpts you have read of Theodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie. How is the city figured? You might compare Dreiser's work to that of another author (of your choice) that we have read, but you should spend most of your allotted words on Dreiser. You do not have to compare Dreiser's descriptions to those of others.


While your answer should be in complete, grammatical sentences, you do not need to write a formal essay.  There does not need to be a broad, declarative opening. You do not need to reach a thundering conclusion.  Dive right into the discussion.  If you are stuck with how to begin, just start naming the details you think are important.


Your assignment should follow the formatting guidelines from the syllabus and should draw on Dreiser's words. Any citations to Dreiser's story in the Norton can be made using parenthetical citation to page numbers.